Meijer - Portage

They are located at: 5121 South Westnedge Avenue in Portage, Michigan (49002). Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, website, and more.

Driving Directions
5121 South Westnedge Avenue
Portage, Michigan 49002
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Phone Number: 269-337-2101
Meijer Location
Meijer Location

Portage Meijer Reviews

Meijer Reviews and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating


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Grocery Stores in Portage
The following Portage Grocery Stores are also available:
Book Market 0239
6924 South Westnedge Avenue
Carllyn Compton Sales & Market
5812 Nevada Avenue
Centre Street Market Inc
906 East Center Avenue
Curry Corner
7630 South Westnedge Avenue
D&w Fresh Market
525 Romence Road
Dream Dinners
3940 West Center Avenue
Food Guys Llc
5965 South Sprinkle Road
Goldmind Handicapping
9174 Vanderbilt Avenue
11000 Portage Road
Hudson's Country Manor Inc
9842 Oakland Drive
Kalamazoo Market Center Inc
8075 Creekside Drive