Planet Mart - Butler

They are located at: 642 Pittsburgh Road in Butler, Pennsylvania (16002). Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, website, and more.

Driving Directions
Planet Mart
642 Pittsburgh Road
Butler, Pennsylvania 16002
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Phone Number: 724-586-9784
Planet Mart Location
Planet Mart Location

Butler Planet Mart Reviews

Planet Mart Reviews and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
22639896-Planet Mart


We do not have any current ratings or reviews for this Grocery Stores listing. If you are familiar with their services or have an experience you'd like to share, please consider filling out the form above.

Grocery Stores in Butler
The following Butler Grocery Stores are also available:
Adv Market
112 Woodridge Road # 200
Aldi Inc
314 Chicora Road
Bottom Dollar Food
750 Butler Crossing
Bottom Dollar Food
196 Bon Aire Plaza
Friedman's Freshmarkets
122 West Brady St
Friedman's Freshmarkets
210 Greater Butler Mart
Friedman's Freshmarkets
180 Point Plaza
Giant Eagle
1521 North Main Street Extension
Giant Eagle Pharmacy
1521 North Main Street Extension
Market America Maticic
103 Randy Drive
Neff's Country Store
1141 Bonniebrook Road
Planet Mart
640 Pittsburgh Road